How do I stay clean and sober while Im stuck at home? Mental Health America

I had an opportunity to throw seven months down the drain in less than 30 minutes, but I know I can’t use heroin again. It doesn’t play nice, and Fentanyl is an ugly enemy waiting to kill people. Seven months had gone by, and the abusive monster I was on the streets with before messaged me on Facebook. First, find ways to get help with bills and work at paying them off.

Eliminate Toxic People and Environments

My entire life revolved around getting drugs and alcohol, using drugs and alcohol, and finding money to buy more drugs and alcohol. And this cycle just kept repeating itself for many years of my life. Even more frustrating, everyone I met in AA and NA constantly told me that I’d end up dead or in jail if I stopped attending meetings. While this might actually be true for some people, I don’t believe this to be the case for everyone. Going forward, I found that what I needed was a more flexible set of tools and practices for staying sober.

  • Can you enjoy these activities sober, or are there obstacles in the way?
  • It’s not perfect, but it is closer to it than I’ve ever lived before.
  • When you realize someone you care about is unhealthy for your recovery, you have to be prepared to alter or give up that relationship for the sake of your sobriety.
  • Now that you are sober, you may have discovered that some of your past relationships were not only unhealthy but downright toxic.
  • Getting support doesn’t have to mean going to rehab, although that is an option.

Addiction Treatment Programs

  • The first time I promised myself I wouldn’t drink anymore, but I did anyway.
  • Your chances of a successful recovery rest on honesty, willingness, and your ability to be open.
  • Not everyone who quits alcohol will experience PAWS, but many will.
  • Furthermore, there isn’t a one-hour limit to recovery in your daily routine.
  • People are all different, and there’s no “one size that fits all” when it comes to recovery.

However, when you spend time alone, you learn about yourself. A great deal of healing can occur if you spend time in the quiet instead of constantly filling your void with noise. However, a licensed professional is the only one authorized to give mental health diagnoses and suggest treatments. You get to decide what course you choose, but I highly recommend therapy for your mental health. Make sure that the recovery hour is a top priority. Furthermore, there isn’t a one-hour limit to recovery in your daily routine.

Join a support group.

Some people say affirmations in front of the mirror. I find this to be a vulnerable moment with myself. However, that is not necessary, provided that you’re saying them.

parole staying means clean sober

Get Therapy for Trauma and Underlying Issues

parole staying means clean sober

Your desire to stay clean outweighs and focus on long-term sobriety is incredible. The loss of a job, a promotion, or a major work opportunityOne of my favorite sayings in 12-step programs is that an expectation is a resentment under construction. When you miss out on a significant work opportunity or you’re let go from your job or passed over for a promotion, it is natural to feel crushed and overwhelmed. Many people in recovery take professional setbacks personally, punishing themselves for a perceived failure.

What Western Society Can Learn From Indigenous Communities

They are poison to your recovery and want to see you fail. If they’re people using drugs or old drinking buddies, they’ve got to go. Stay away from that miserable mindset and toxicity.

parole staying means clean sober

The First 30 Days of Sobriety Living Marijuana Free

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